History of SELC

The Colorado Fiscal Managers' Association (CFMA or the Association) was a non-profit organization IRC 501(c)(6), whose primary purpose was to improve fiscal management and accounting for the government of the State of Colorado. CFMA traced its roots to the early 1970's and a series of brown-bag lunch meetings with various speakers, mostly internal governmental managers. Over time, the Association grew to over 300 members and had been providing its members access to a wide range of services. The Association was run by four Executive Officers who were elected by the members. In 2017, CFMA merged with its sister organization, the Colorado State Managers Association (CSMA), to form State Employees Leading Colorado (SELC).

SELC hosts various luncheons throughout the year as well as a one-day Fall Seminar and a two-day Spring Conference to provide educational, professional development, and networking opportunities for Colorado State employees.

SELC Spring Conference Committee